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About me

Hey, I'm Agata I'm a full-stack web developer based in London.

I moved to London after graduating from Uni where I studied economics and management. Life can take an unexpected turn in your early twenites when living in London, and this also happened to me.

I had an amazing opportunity to work for 13 years with the same director creating and managing very successful and award-winning business, Meat (Butcher & Delicatessen).

I always loved tech and design, so in October 2020 I made one of the best decisions in my life and I decided to retrain and embark a new journey as a web developer. I took part in the Le Wagon full-time bootcamp. I love making beautiful digital products, combining technology with creative ideas.

I like to keep myself busy outside work as well as to keep my life in balance. I am regularly practicing Tai Chi and Chinese calligraphy and love Asian culture and cuisine. I also like to go a bit wild during live gigs and travel around the world, neither of which I can do much of these days unfortunately.. I studied wine with WSET, and love to enjoy a good glass of wine with friends on occasions. Recently I developed green fingers and love working in my garden!

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Freelance project for Polish psychologist. I designed website using Canva, and created a website using Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. I have also created an admin page, where the user could add and edit blog posts and reviews.

Visit Github repo & website:

Website for Polish Psychologist
Website for Polish Psychologist

Eztenda - Hackathon Project

A whole weekend event with 30 teams participating. I was part of a group of three. We built a platform for an online auction where bars could tender their listing deals and drinks brands could bid for them. Our team was selected by Le Wagon school, who organised this event, for our creativity and outside of the box thinking.
log-in: test1@test.com/password

Visit Github repo & website:

Webiste for Eztenda
Webiste for Eztenda

E-commerce website

E-commerce shop built using Shopify platform. I came up with the idea and was responsible for design, input, testing and production processes.

Visit website:

Webiste for Meat Shop
Webiste for Meat Shop

Under One Roof

A web application with the aim to create bespoke cultural experiences and enable users to 'travel' around the world from the comfort of their sofa. Built with: Ruby on Rails, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, API's, Devise, PostgreSQL.

Visit Github repo & website:

Website Under one Roof

Retro Cocktails

First rails app built in Rails. Cocktail manager app which allows the user to add a recipe, edit, delete and upload a picture of their favourite cocktail to the gallery.

Visit Github repo & website:

Mr Cocktail website image
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Here's a selection of relevant languages and technologies that I have developed good experience with:

Html icon Css icon Boostrap icon Sass icon JavaScript icon Ruby icon Rails icon
PostgreSQL icon Heroku icon Git icon Github icon Canva icon Figma icon Slack icon

Currently learning:

React icon Redux icon Jest icon

Get in touch

Feel free to connect with me on any of the following: